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Стварање: 12/08/2009 05:29
Ажурирати: 30/07/2010 02:47
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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Чланак: 4Story Repeated Explorations - 30/07/2010 02:47

As the case task, players will experience the situation and led to his victory and to identify Onea historic sites and state secrets in 4Story. The pursuit of a pursuit of the server, resulting in the participation of all users in the region.

Monster Attack: will increase the number of sudden monster, monsters will appear in a particular area or region, which will lead users to gather together in certain locations. Standards to ensure fast and brilliant item(4Story Luna) to explore the events when certain conditions are met, these tasks will pop up. The most likely not be related tasks, the user doing the task. As a hunting task, the task or ad hoc tasks such as dungeon, many people in this way can ensure that users get the powerful items and equipment.

When the pursuit of the beginning may be noted that the area around the user, encouraging others to participate. This is not only temporary event, but occurs automatically from the server so players can always be excited and scared. This is the level of the region and distinguished, so anyone can participate anywhere.

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Чланак: RoyMustang Projects in 4Story - 12/05/2010 03:53

rms and armor from the 55 dungeon, of course, is the owner of all 16 and 11 statistics. So all this is not the secret of any person. It could be any wizard, so my armor and weapons of precision. Since all equipment used in the decline, there are around skills, rather than focus. No high armor and weapons, tactics and technology to ensure efficient.

In fact, the only jewelry really 4Story. As you can see, the focus of intelligence. Fairy more information, so they need to do jewelry, but their own emotional intelligence and other statistics

One important thing should be said that basic equipment should be the smallest part of it. It is good, with high + item, but not every character can do this, so they can not use your build, to the fullest extent. Items(4Story Gold) is important, it may be the most important building as a whole.

And the end of the RoyMustang character generation. All the skills, status and settings window. This post is just to tell you how to create your own character, plans and progress of the same.

I hope you enjoyed reading.

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Чланак: Character build by skill tree in 4Story - 28/04/2010 07:22

In 4Story Middle of "Shooting" skill tree:Flash Bomb - Very good against both monsters and opponents for a few seconds let's you shoot them with whatever you got (assuming it hits) easy time to kill your opponent or severely hurt them. Personal suggest while they're not able to see move around to catch them off guard because they will know how to attack where it hurts if you stay in the same place while they're blinded. If you need 4Story Gold you can come here .

Chaotic Arrow - Very good for PvP removes all your opponents beneficial buffs (assuming it hits) making them more vulnerable to taking more damage from yours or other peoples skills. This skill can also remove the annoying "bubble" of invincibility that others use and also can take away any beneficial buffs from panaceas that they might have on at the time. Which in any situation against another player this shot will help you out tremendously.

Right side of the "shooting" skill tree: Will of Hunt - A must have, good for hunting or PvP upgrade this whenever you can. Adds more damage to your long range attack making you have an easier time killing. This boosts the damage on all your skills if you wouldn't of guessed not just when you're shooting normally.

Snipe - A fantastic skill to deal your opponent crazy damage really quick - gives you the upper hand in fights against both Monsters and other players, highly suggest using this in battle. Be careful when using this on Warrior's gives them a chance to come and catch up to you so they can stun you and such, make it a last hit - if you can.

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Чланак: 4Story Item upgrade - 06/04/2010 05:11

This is a guide about Item upgrade in 4Story ,Item upgrade is the system that upgrades the ability of Weapons(4Story Luna) and Armors . Items can be upgraded up to maximum of +20, however, keep in mind that as the level increases, the success rate decreases. Also, different visual is applied on items depending on upgrade level. Upgrade of items can be done from the NPCs in charge of Upgrades.

[Upgrade Enginner]Luji in Lonbarei Training camp in Horusland and [Upgrade Engineer]Titina in Magnaksia Military District in Kether, are located in DeFugel. [Skill Supervisor]Purel in Kuznets Advance base in Yesod and [Senior Blacksmith]Boyd and Malkuth, are located in Croxion.

Double click with left button on the mouse or right click on the mouse on the NPC and click on Enchant, then item enchant window will appear on the screen. Place an item that needs to be upgraded in the slot of enchant item, and place the scroll in the scroll slot .

Click Enchant to start the procedure, there is no charge for enchanting items. If you succeed, the item will be upgraded by +1~+3 depending on the types of the scroll,however, if the enchant fails, the item will disappear. Purification Scroll doesn't fail at all.